Halloween and all things spooky are just around the corner and you may be decorating everything in sight with cobwebs, pumpkins, and skeletons—including your four-legged friend. Although we’ll admit your furry friends are incredibly cute as dragons, lions, and spiders, our team at Sana Adelaide Animal Hospital wants pet owners to be aware that Halloween costumes can pose a serious threat to your pet’s safety. Avoid falling into these three costume tricks to ensure your furry pal’s Halloween is nothing but treats.

#1: Ensure you purchase the appropriate size costume for your pet

While shopping, you may discover the most adorable costume for your pet, but not remember how much they weigh, so you eyeball the outfit, trying to envision your pet wearing the costume comfortably, since they can’t try it on. Weigh your pet before heading out costume-shopping, and be a good judge of fit, rather than trying to cram your English bulldog into a costume meant for a miniature dachshund. 

#2: Remove ribbons, ties, buttons, and other items your pet can chew off the costume

Dangling objects can prove irresistible to pets, particularly those that trail from their bodies. Flashy costumes may be adorned with ribbons, ties, buttons, and a multitude of other accessories that can prove too tempting to resist nibbling. If your pet is known for chewing off-limits items, stick to a simple costume.

#3: Double-check your pet’s comfort level in their costume

As your pet moves, jumps, and plays, their costume may shift and slide, cutting off their vision, airway, or circulation. Carefully check the fit of your pet’s costume, to ensure their eyes, nose, or mouth are not covered, and the outfit is not too tight around their legs or neck. Also ensure their costume is not too loose and hanging down where their legs can become caught, causing a dangerous fall.  

By following these tips, you can help your furry pal avoid potential costume hazards. However, if your pet gets into mischief this Halloween, call us for help.