Please note: We will be closed on Monday, February 17th, for Family Day!

Cool Stuff

Fun facts about our facility and more!


Sana Adelaide Animal Hospital strives to be an environmentally- and pet-friendly facility.

Our Facility
Sana Adelaide Animal Hospital is located in a small stand-alone building in central London that is more than 100 years old. Our clinic has been designed to feel more like a home than a hospital in an attempt to keep your pet’s stress level as low as possible.

We always have several products and diffusers in use throughout our clinic that produce species-specific calming pheromones for your pet. You likely won’t even notice this, but your pet certainly will!

All of the artwork that you see in our clinic has been created by Dr Trina, her close friends, or local London artists. If you see something that you love, let us know! Some of the pieces may be available for purchase or the artist may be available to be commissioned for custom work.

The colour of our walls and furniture that you see throughout the clinic has been selected as part of a fear-free colour palette to keep dogs and cats at ease, based on the limitations and variability in their colour vision compared to humans. On this same note, you typically will not see Dr Trina wearing the traditional doctor’s white coat, as this moving stark white object can be alarming to our pets. Every inch of our clinic has been designed and decorated with our patients in mind. We still think it looks pretty cool, and hopefully, you and Fido will agree!

Carbon Footprint

Sana Adelaide Animal Hospital is constantly working to reduce our carbon footprint. Every piece of furniture that you see within our clinic has been refurbished, purchased second-hand, and/or made locally.

We ask that whenever possible, our clients walk to our clinic, rather than driving.

Consider signing up for paper-free at our hospital to allow for electronic files for treatment plans, blood work, invoices, etc. rather than printed materials.

We dispense all medications and products into paper bags and envelopes, rather than plastic. Please consider bringing your own reusable bag or purchasing one of our reusable totes for $2. All of our proceeds for the sale of these bags will go towards the charity of the month.

All cleaning products used within our hospital are environmentally friendly and are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Useful Tips
In preparation for your vet visit, consider the following tools to increase the positive experience for your pet.

Problem: As soon as my cat sees the kennel, she bolts and it is SO hard to find her! And she freaks when we try to put her in!

Solution: Start kennel work and training days and weeks before your appointment. Bring out the carrier (with the top removed, if possible) and place it in an area where your pet loves to hang out. Allow your pet to get comfortable with the kennel and use it as they wish without force. Using calming pheromones, such as Feliway, and providing rewards for using the kennel makes things even better! The best results are when kennels are available to our pets at all times.

Problem: As soon as we pull in the parking lot, my dog just knows! He starts panting, barking, and freaking out!

Solution: Make it a habit to drop in regularly with your pet, just to say hi. Walk-in, get some love, get a treat, get weighed, and away you go! This is free, helps us monitor your dog’s weight in an ongoing manner, and is very helpful in getting your pet accustomed to our facility.

Something else that works well is to walk to the clinic, rather than driving, if possible. This not only reduces your carbon footprint but can also make the visit less stressful for your pet.

Problem: I swear my dog is obedient at home, but she just goes nuts in here and all her training seems to be lost! It’s so frustrating!

Solution: Feed only half of their breakfast on the morning of your appointment. This helps to ensure that those treats we hand out are even more enticing and rewarding!

Problem: “My dog is usually so good until… he sees a man with a beard, sees a bigger dog, meets a small dog, hears a high pitched voice…”

Solution: Tell us about this when you book your appointment. We will make every effort to ensure that we avoid any potential triggers for your pet to make their visit as low stress as possible.

We also ask that when you enter our clinic, please do not let your dog or cat meet other pets’ nose to nose. Our patients all have different personalities and we want to ensure that everybody is kept as comfortable and as safe as possible.